You can use Windows Explorer, but I want to listen to the sample before deciding, so drag it from the FL Studio browser. (In Maschine's sense, the bottom left is Kick, but it's Side Stick.) I added a scale to the name of the pad.It's a strange arrangement, isn't it? I don't know why, but the arrangement of the pads is different from the scale. This is easy and click 'empty' from the Kit presets.
When cleared, it will become whitish as shown below. I can't undo, but can I clear it?Will be asked, so click 'OK'. Select the pad you want to clear, click '▼' as shown in the image below, and click 'Clear pad'. There are two ways to clear it, one is to clear the pads one by one and the other is to load an empty kit. (Normally, if you drag a file from above, it will be layered and both the sound before and after reading will be at the same time.) When you start FPC, Kit is already loaded by default, so clear it.